Jodie McNair

Learn more below about Jodie's experience and achievements :

  • Employment History

    Director, Faircloth McNair & Associates, Melbourne 

    October 2022 – current 

    In partnership with the former managing director of Verso Consulting (see below), Jodie established Faircloth McNair & Associates in October 2022. 

    Faircloth McNair & Associates draws on the combined experience of the partners, and continues innovative work in the community services sector. 

    Jodie brings her exceptional project management, collaboration and communication skills which have successfully delivered complex, state-wide and multi-year service implementation and evaluation projects for diverse clients, including government departments, for profit, for purpose and community organisations. 

    Senior Consultant, Verso Consulting Pty Ltd, Melbourne 

    April 2005 – September 2022 

    During her years with Verso, Jodie’s research and analytical skills informed tailored responses to population needs, aligned to client organisation capability and mission. 

    Her ability to draw insights from multiple qualitative, quantitative and peer-reviewed sources provides a sound evidence base for decision making related to service establishment and program expansions. 

    She is skilled in identifying the key questions to investigate, and developing tools to collect appropriate data. 

    She has a proven capacity to work to deadlines and deliver high quality projects within budget, while responding flexibly to meet changing needs and priorities. 

    Jodie utilises a wide range of data sets, including those published by the Productivity Commission (eg Report on Government Services), Australian Bureau of Statistics (eg Census of Population & Housing, Survey of Disability, Ageing & Carers), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Institute of Family Studies. 

    Various roles, World Vision Australia, Melbourne 


    During her time with World Vision Australia (WVA), Jodie worked across multiple departments and teams, including: 

    • Australia-based donor/supporter services (customer service) 

    • donation administration 

    • copy writing 

    • international office liaison 

    • domestic consulting services 

    • national and international working groups 

    Jodie established the WVA Feedback Management team, a group of skilled specialists responsible for tracking and managing compliments/complaints received by the organisation. Jodie liaised with the CEO's office in relation to sensitive and/or international matters, and provided monthly reports to the Executive Team. 

    Other highlights: 

    • World Vision Australia privacy officer (2004-2005) 

    • presentation at World Vision International conference (Bangkok, Thailand 1999) on the topic of supporter/donor retention (strategies and metrics) 

    • visit to urban squatter-based housing and community development project in Manila, Philippines 

    • development of child sex trafficking policy and training materials for customer service teams, including staff police check processes (preceding current Working with Children Check requirements) 

  • Education

    Masters in Human Rights

    Curtin University


    MBA Online Intensive

    London School of Economics & Political Science

    November 2022 - February 2023

    Finance for Non-Finance Managers

    Australian Institute of Management

    September 2021

    Health Program Evaluation: Scoping the Evaluation 

    University of Melbourne

    November 2011

    Bachelor of Arts (Literature & History)

    Monash University

    January 1990 — October 1993

  • Major Projects

  • Community Involvement

    Jodie is the Public Officer for a DGR registered incorporated association (since 2013), and has an interest in social investment models and opportunities.

    She was a parent (2018-2020) and community (2021) representative on a government secondary school council, and member of the policy & curriculum sub-committee.

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